Check it out. We have a new shirt design. What do you think? As always, if you want to get one, you can either:
- Get a free t-shirt by making a $100 donation on our FundRazr site:, or
- Send us a message through our contact form (, and be sure to include: (1.) Your mailing address and, (2.) The size of your shirt
We’ll email you an invoice through PayPal and you can pay through PayPal. The shirts are shipping from Vistaprint for now, but we were recently approved through one of Amazon’s vendor programs (hopefully that will help bring the costs down some). For now, the shirts are only available in black (which is a little more expensive, but looks a lot better). The shirts come out to approximately $26, which includes shipping and tax and the PayPal fee (so $26 grand total). If you need an XXL or larger, they go up a few bucks.
I look forward to communicating with and representing this party.
TR was my boyhood hero & I’m a populist. I love and strongly support the great majority of the planks in this party platform, with a few reservations. I want to know more about the views of the leadership on certain issues, including defense, foreign policy etc. I want to talk with national and local members and supporters. Thanks.