Mastering the Power of Grit: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools from the Heroes of Perseverance, Resilience, and Guts
Have you had enough yet? Ready to admit that the Democratic and Republican parties are both rotten to the core?
Buy this new book by Johnny Welch and support the new Progressive Bull Moose Party. “A portion of the proceeds of this book will go toward helping to launch the new Progressive Bull Moose Party.”
“A smart, insightful synthesis of the leading elements of grit—grounded in telling tales from the heroes of history—Mastering the Power of Grit
reveals the timeless lessons learned from the legends of perseverance, resilience, hardiness, and guts, and the corresponding strategies, tactics, tips and tools you can use to master the power of grit to achieve your own most daring dreams and goals today.”
Are you tired of failing to achieve your dreams and goals? Do you want more out of life? Much more?
Learn How to Master the Power of Grit
Grit is the great game changer on the road to personal transformation, high-achievement, excellence and success. Virtually all of the great hustlers and heroes of history have been marked by grit—from the builders and captains of industry to the leaders and masters of political power, from the great social activists and revolutionary leaders, to today’s leading inventors, athletes, artists and entrepreneurs.
The message of these celebrated exemplars of perseverance, resilience, and guts spans boundaries and echoes across time: If you are not achieving your dreams and goals, there is still hope. What you need is a new strategy, new tactics and tools, a new mindset for success.
Discover the Secrets of the Superstars of Success
We all want more out of life. Yet, there are some people who are getting things done—remarkable things—on a regular and consistent basis. This has always been the case. Throughout history we can see that some people—people who do not necessarily have any greater natural talent, intelligence or capacity—are able to make things happen and get things done. Sometimes the most ordinary individuals, from the most obscure backgrounds, facing any number of seemingly insurmountable obstacles are able to soar to the greatest heights of society. What is it about these people? What is their secret? What do they know, think or do that escapes the notice of the vast majority?
Master the Strategies, Tactics and Tools of the Legends of Grit
Drawing on his graduate school training at Harvard and San Diego State, as well as his training and experience as a qualitative researcher in the Adult Learning and Leadership doctoral program at Columbia, where he now teaches, Welch reveals the most critical patterns and themes that surface in the research of those who mastered the power of grit—champions and heroes who stand as timeless exemplars of perseverance, resilience, optimism, and guts—men and women like Theodore Roosevelt, Ben Franklin, and FDR…leaders like Lincoln, Oprah, Arnold…and so many more…Jackie Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Disney, Reagan, and JFK.
In Mastering the Power of Grit you will:
- Discover the secret weapon of the great American hustlers and heroes of history.
- Understand how to master the power of grit and its seven essential elements.
- Learn Lincoln’s secrets for overcoming obstacles, resistance, rejection and defeat.
- Explore Roosevelt’s system for becoming exceptional at whatever you determine to do.
- Gain the wisdom and timeless lessons learned from the stories of the superstars of success.
- Leverage the surprising insights the legends reveal about what you need to succeed.
- Master the strategies, tactics and tools distilled from the celebrated champions of grit.
With the wisdom and insight of this indispensable book as your guide, you will discover the transformational power of grit. You will learn how to develop the most critical elements of grit—all distilled from the illustrious legends, the hustlers and heroes and superstars of success—including the key characteristics, competencies, and skills you need to achieve your own daring dreams and goals.