Fireworks can trigger intense stress or even anxiety in veterans suffering from PTSD. The Progressive Bull Moose Party supports our military veterans, and so we are asking you to please join us in being courteous with your fireworks this 4th of July. And help us spread the word.
Veterans and their friends and family are sharing signs (like above) in an effort to get the word out. In the words of former U.S. Marine, Cpl. Chris Welch, “It’s our hope that not only do the signs provide a greater appreciation for those that have served our country, but also for the purpose behind celebrating this day. Our freedom has a real cost that is always paid for with the lives of servicemen and women.”
What’s more, Cpl. Welch adds, “The impact it could have on some of these soldiers suffering from PTSD is profound. We don’t want them to have to relive the most traumatic experience of their lives while everyone around them is oblivious to their struggle.”
There are a few additional things that you can do to help. “If people want to help,” Welch said, “we would encourage them to reach out to their neighbors and find out if there are any local heroes that might be struggling with PTSD. Let your neighbors know that the random fireworks before and after the holiday are discouraged.” It is important to keep in mind, Welch adds, “The fireworks that go off late at night or unexpectedly are the ones that pose the most risk of triggering an episode with our veterans.”
Remember: Please be courteous with fireworks this 4th of July! To learn more please visit
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